Are you tired of spending hours vacuuming your floors? Or are you the other kind that doesn’t like vacuuming floors at all? There is a solution for both – a robot vacuum cleaner!

robot vacuum cleaner buying guide

You might be tempted to buy a robot vacuum cleaner. These smart devices can navigate your floors and suck up dust, dirt, pet hair crumbs, and more – all without your intervention! And that’s why we all need one!

But before you rush to the nearest tech store or click “add to cart” online, you should know what to look for before buying a robot vacuum cleaner. That’s because not all robot vacuum cleaner models are created equal. Some may not be suitable for your needs or are out of your budget. That’s why you should read this complete guide to buying a robotic vacuum cleaner!

Robot Vacuum Buying Guide: What You Need to Know

If you’ve finally decided to buy a robot vacuum cleaner and want to make an informed decision, read on. In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know before you start looking for a robot vacuum cleaner for your home.

To help you understand, we have divided this blog into 3 sections, namely:

  1. Factors related to your home,
  2. Factors related to vacuum cleaners, and
  3. Your personal preferences.

We have also added some suggestions to speed up your search for a robot vacuum cleaner.

Let’s start with the factors you need to consider when looking for a robot vacuum cleaner for your home.

Factors Related to Your Home

things to consider before buying a robot vacuum cleaner

Below are the factors related to your home that you need to consider before making a decision about buying a particular robot vacuum cleaner.

1. Home Size & Layout

Before you look at different robot vacuum cleaners, you should first think about the size of your house and its floor plan. This is because the size and layout of your home will definitely affect the performance of the robot vacuum cleaner. Depending on the size, you also need to consider the battery power required and the size of the dust container.

Also, the layout of your rooms can affect the navigation and cleaning performance of the robot vacuum cleaner. If there are too many furniture, stairs and other obstacles in your house, you should choose a robot vacuum cleaner with more advanced sensors and mapping features.

Larger Homes

If you have a big house with many rooms and furniture, you can consider buying an iRobot Roomba s9+. This gigantic robot vacuum cleaner has one of the most powerful suction systems, up to 60 days of collection capacity, advanced sensors, exceptional mapping, self-emptying, and many other advanced features. And of course, it comes with a hefty price tag! But this is truly one of the best vacuum cleaners for larger households.

Some other affordable options for your large home include:

  1. Dreametech DreameBot D10 Plus – Amazon Choice robotic vacuum cleaner with up to 45 days of cleaning capacity.
  2. Roborock Q5+ – One of the most reviewed robotic vacuum lines on Amazon with thousands of happy customers.
  3. Shark IQ Robot Self-Empty XL – Another Amazon’s Choice product and often on deals with up to 45% discounts.
  4. iRobot Roomba i7+ – Another premium robotic vacuum cleaner from iRobot.

Smaller Homes

If you have a smaller house, you don’t have to invest in bulky robot vacuum cleaners. However, you should look for features like advanced sensors, mapping, long battery life, and safety for pets and children. For a small house, you can buy the EUREKA Groove NER300. It has a suction power of 2000 Pa and 3 cleaning modes, namely Auto mode for cleaning the whole house, Edge mode for cleaning the corners and Spot mode for concentrated cleaning. It is one of the best affordable robot vacuums for small households. If you’re looking for a robotic mop for small homes, the iRobot Braava M6 Mopping Robot is the most efficient model.

Some other best robot vacuum cleaners for small homes are:

  1. Ecovacs DEEBOT N79S – A slightly older model, but great for small houses and apartments.
  2. Ecovacs DEEBOT X1 Turbo – Features a 5000PA deep cleaning and mopping function.
  3. Shark IQ Robot Self-Empty KL RV1001AE – One of the most popular robot vacuum cleaners for small homes.

2. Home Flooring Type

home flooring type

The flooring of your home is another important factor to consider when buying a robot vacuum cleaner. Some vacuums are best suited for hard floors, while others do better on carpeted floors.

Also, hardwood floors are rough and prone to scratches and damage from spills and other causes. For hardwood floors, robot vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters are best. HEPA filters eliminate dust allergens more efficiently. The iRobot Roomba 694 is one of the most efficient robot vacuum cleaners for hard floors. It has two brushes for multiple surfaces and is therefore also suitable for carpets.

Some other best robotic vacuum cleaners for hard floors include:

  1. iRobot Roomba S9 – A premium vacuum cleaner for hard floors.
  2. Eufy RoboVac X8 – Twin turbine technology efficiently cleans hard floors. One of the best robotic vacuum cleaners for pet owners.
  3. Eufy Robovac 11S – It has great ratings on Amazon.

For carpets, you should choose a vacuum cleaner with more suction power as vacuuming dust and dirt on carpets is a bit difficult. Also, look for a robot vacuum cleaner that also has obstacle detection so you can better clean carpets with furniture or kids and pets toys. One of the best options for carpet cleaning is the iRobot Roomba J7+. It has 4200PA of powerful suction and LIDAR navigation, as well as a mopping function.

Other alternatives of the best vacuum cleaners for carpets include:

  1. Ecovacs DEEBOT OZMO T8 AIVI – Auto carpet detection feature that doubles vacuum suction on carpets and avoids mopping.
  2. iRobot Roomba S9+ – Features multi-surface dual rubber brushes that work great on carpets and hard floors.
  3. Samsung Jet Bot+ – Features an advanced 5-layer HEPA filtration system that traps up to more dust.

3. Pets and Small Kids

pets and kids

If you have pets or small children at home, you should choose a robot vacuum cleaner with excellent object detection so that it doesn’t collide with them or their toys. It also needs to have strong suction power so that it can remove pet hair more efficiently. The Eufy RoboVac X8 is one of the most efficient yet affordable vacuum cleaners for households with children and pets. It features dual-turbine suction technology (2 x 2000PA) and AI mapping. It also has a pet hair magnet function, which is very popular among pet owners.

Some of the best vacuum cleaners for pets and kids home include:

  1. iRobot Roomba S9+ – It has a 3-stage cleaning system that efficiently removes pet hair. It can also map the house and avoid obstacles thanks to its unique and advanced iRobot OS.
  2. Wyze Robot Vacuum – An affordable vacuum for households with pets and children.
  3. Bissell SpinWave Pet Robot – Features a triple-action cleaning formula designed specifically for households with pets.

Factors Related to Vacuum Cleaners

Aside from the factors related to your home, there are also some factors related to the robot vacuum cleaners themselves. There are different types of vacuum cleaners on the market, mainly differentiated by their features.

Some of the most important vacuum cleaner-related factors you should consider before buying a robot vacuum cleaner are:

1. Obstacle Detection

Robotic vacuum cleaners need many sensors for their autonomous cleaning capabilities. However, the number and type of sensors used determine the efficiency of their autonomous cleaning activity.

The sensors help the robotic vacuum cleaner detect nearby objects and avoid accidental collisions. They also make sure that the vacuum cleaner doesn’t suck up your carpet or cables.

Some commonly used detectors for obstacle detection are:

  1. Ultrasonic Time-of-Flight (ToF) Sensors
  2. Short-Range Ultrasonic ToF Sensors
  3. Infrared Sensors
  4. Inertial Measurement Units
  5. VSLAM (Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)
  6. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)

vacuum cleaner sensors

Basic robotic vacuum cleaners use ultrasonic and infrared sensors. However, the most advanced and high-quality robot vacuum cleaners use VSLAM and LiDAR to create a virtual map of the space. This allows them to avoid obstacles efficiently.

The Roborock Q5 is one of the most affordable mid-priced robot vacuum cleaners with LiDAR navigation and automatic emptying. If you have a good budget of up to $1000, the iRobot Roomba J7+ has a great obstacle detection and navigation system thanks to its iRobot OS.

2. Size of the Dustbin

The size of the dustbin is another important factor you need to consider before making a purchase decision. A larger dust bin simply means more frequent emptying and therefore more convenience for you. Also, look for vacuum cleaners with self-emptying capability. There are vacuum cleaners on the market with dust containers ranging from 200 ml to 3000 ml.

If you’re looking for a robot vacuum cleaner with a large dust container, the ILIFE Robot Vacuum is self-emptying with a capacity of 2.5 liters. It is one of the most affordable robot vacuum cleaners with a storage capacity of up to 60 days.

Another excellent, but slightly more expensive option is the Shark AV2501AE with XL HEPA self-empty base. It has a more advanced navigation and mapping system.

3. Cliff Detection

When cleaning your house, a robot vacuum cleaner may fall off the stairs or other uneven surfaces. To avoid this, robot vacuums are equipped with sensors to detect cliffs. Most robot vacuum cleaners on the market are equipped with cliff detection sensors.

Some of the best robot vacuum cleaners with cliff detection function are:

  1. PUCRC26B.9 Automatic Robot Vacuum Cleaner – Available for only $100
  2. ILIFE V3s Pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner – Affordable vacuum cleaner with many features and cliff detection.
  3. Roborock Q7 Max Robot Vacuum and Mop Cleaner – A premium robot vacuum cleaner with multi-level mapping.

4. App Connectivity

Some modern robot vacuum cleaners can connect with mobile apps and small assistants like Siri, Alexa and Google. This allows you to remotely control the robot vacuum cleaner and makes it even more autonomous and versatile.

Also, with app connectivity and OS, you can set up no-go zones and make a multi-level assignment. This makes cleaning more efficient as the robot vacuum cleaner uses improved navigation.

All of the robot vacuum cleaners recommended in this blog come with a mobile app. Some are also equipped with intelligent assistance systems.

5. Battery Capacity

battery capacity

All robotic vacuum cleaners require electric power, just like conventional vacuum cleaners. They are usually equipped with a built-in mobile battery, which also determines the running time of the vacuum cleaner.

For a larger house, it is often better to opt for a robot vacuum cleaner with a longer runtime.

Some of the best robot vacuum cleaners with a runtime of more than 100 minutes are:

  1. iRobot Roomba Combo J7+ (~120 minutes)
  2. Eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 11S (~100 minutes)
  3. iRobot Roomba S9 Plus (~120 minutes)
  4. Neato D10 (~150 minutes)
  5. Dreametech L10s Ultra (~150 minutes)
  6. Yeedi Mop Station Pro (~180 minutes)

6. Home Mapping

Home mapping is an essential function of robotic vacuum cleaners. It allows them to efficiently clean every corner of the house and prevents them from entering dangerous areas such as stairs, basements, etc.

Most robot vacuum cleaners on the market have some kind of home mapping function. Some vacuum cleaners use magnetic strips to detect boundaries, while some premium and high-end variants use sophisticated sensors and cameras for this purpose.

You need to consider this feature when buying a robot vacuum cleaner for your home.

7. Noise Level

All robotic vacuum cleaners make some noise. But not all of them are equally noisy. Some vacuum cleaners make a lot of noise, while others make little noise. Therefore, before buying a robot vacuum cleaner, it is important to pay attention to the noise level it makes.

If you buy offline, you can test the vacuum cleaner in the store itself. However, if you buy online, be sure to read reviews and testimonials to find the best robot vacuum cleaner with low noise level.

Some of the best robotic vacuum cleaners with low noise levels are:

  1. Eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 11S
  2. Coredy R400 robot vacuum cleaner
  3. iRobot Roomba Combo J7+
  4. Neato D10
  5. Eufy RoboVac G30 Hybrid

8. Self-Emptying Capacity

This is one of the most important factors you need to consider when buying a robot vacuum cleaner. Robot vacuum cleaners with self-emptying function allow you to clean your house in one go, without having to empty the bin manually. This makes cleaning more efficient and convenient for you.

Some of the best self-emptying robot vacuum cleaners are:

  1. iRobot Roomba S9 Plus
  2. Shark IQ Robot Self-Empty XL
  3. Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo N8 Pro Plus
  4. iRobot Roomba Combo J7+
  5. Neato D10

9. Mopping

The mopping function is a great feature to look out for when buying a robot vacuum cleaner for your home. With this feature, your vacuum cleaner can do all your cleaning chores at once.

Some of the best robot vacuum cleaners with mopping function are:

  1. Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo T8 AIVI
  2. Roborock S7 Plus
  3. Shark AI Ultra Robot Vacuum & Mop
  4. Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop 2 Ultra

Your Personal Preferences

personal preference

While the above features are important when you’re buying a robot vacuum cleaner, the most important features to consider are your personal preferences.

Some important personal factors include:

  1. Budget – Affordable, mid-range, premium
  2. Desired Features – Mobile connectivity, voice control, integration with smart homes, etc
  3. Shape and Size – Small, large, round, etc.
  4. Needs – Also, it’s important to know your needs. If you have a smaller home, you should look for a robot vacuum cleaner with optimal run time and bin capacity.
  5. Allergies – Another important aspect is allergens. If you are allergic to dust and other allergens in the air, you should buy a robot vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA (High Efficiency Particle Air) filter that captures 99.97% of particles down to 0.3 microns in size.

And Now You are Ready to Buy a Robot Vacuum Cleaner!

That’s it! We hope that we have helped you understand what features you need to consider before buying a robot vacuum cleaner. And maybe you have already made your decision based on our suggestions.

Remember to stick to your budget and buy according to your needs! There are a lot of options on the market, and now you have the right knowledge and understanding to make the best decision.

FAQs about Robotic Vacuum Cleaners

1. What are the best robotic vacuum cleaners for managing allergies?

To manage allergies, you need a robot vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter. HEPA filters trap particulate allergens from the air and give you relief. Some of the best robot vacuum cleaners for allergies are:

  • iRobot Roomba s9+
  • Eufy by Anker BoostIQ RoboVac G30
  • Coredy R750
  • eufy RoboVac G30 Edge

2. What are the best budget robotic vacuum cleaners?

The best robot vacuum cleaners are the ones that offer the best features at a reasonable and affordable price. Some of the best cheap robot vacuum cleaners are:

  • Eufy Robovac G30 Edge
  • Yeedi vac x
  • Coredy R750
  • eufy RoboVac G30 Edge

3. What are the best robotic vacuum cleaners to clean the corners of the home?

The best robot vacuum cleaners for cleaning home corners have high suction power and are suitable for various surfaces. Some of the best vacuum cleaning robots for cleaning corners in the home are:

  • Roborock S8 Pro Ultra 
  • iRobot Roomba s9+ 
  • Neato Botvac D10 
  • iRobot Roomba j7+ 
  • Neato D8 Intelligent Robot Vacuum Cleaner 
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